Game of Thrones: The Trial at the Great Sept of Baelor Part 4

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 10 The Winds of Winter

The wildfire is then ignited and completely destroys the Great Sept, killing everyone inside, including the High Sparrow, Margaery, Loras, Mace Tyrell, Kevan Lannister, and Lancel.













To be continued on the next post Game of Thrones: Septa Unella meets Ser Gregor.
Source text: Wikipedia.

Game of Thrones: The Trial at the Great Sept of Baelor Part 3

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 10 The Winds of Winter

Inside the Sept, Margaery becomes suspicious of both Cersei and Tommen’s absence and tries to warn the crowd to leave, but the Faith Militant blocks the doors.

MARGAERY: There’s something wrong.
HIGH SPARROW: You have nothing to fear, Your Grace. The trial will begin shortly.
MARGAERY: Cersei is not here. Tommen is not here. Why do you think they’re not here?
HIGH SPARROW: If the accused is not here, she will be tried regardless. We cannot escape the justice of the gods–
MARGAERY: Forget about the bloody gods and listen to what I’m telling you. Cersei understands the consequences of her absence and she is absent anyway, which means she does not intend to suffer those consequences. The trial can wait. We all need to leave. We all need to leave now.











To be continued on the next post Game of Thrones: The Trial at the Great Sept of Baelor Part 4.
Source text: Wikipedia.

Game of Thrones: The Trial at the Great Sept of Baelor Part 1

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 10 The Winds of Winter

In King’s Landing, on the day of Cersei’s and Loras’ trial, the High Sparrow and many of the city’s elite gather at the Great Sept of Baelor. Loras is brought forward and confesses to his homosexuality and begs to atone by giving up his name and titles as the heir of House Tyrell, and joining the Faith Militant. However, Cersei fails to appear to the trial, and the High Sparrow sends Lancel to retrieve her.



HIGH SPARROW: Ser Loras Tyrell. Are you prepared to stand trial and profess your guilt or innocence before the Seven?
LORAS: There’ll be no need for a trial. I confess before the Seven and freely admit to my crimes.
HIGH SPARROW: To which crimes will you be confessing?
LORAS: All of them. I lay with other men including the traitor Renly Baratheon. I perjured myself before the gods. I am guilty of depravity, dishonesty, profligacy, and arrogance. I see that now. I humble myself before the Seven and accept whatever punishment the gods deem just.
HIGH SPARROW: The gods’ judgment is fierce, but also fair. The Warrior punishes those who believe themselves beyond the reach of justice. But the Mother shows her mercy to those who kneel before her.


LORAS: I take full responsibility for my many sins and unburden myself of my desires. My only remaining wish is to devote my life to the Seven. May I be a living example of their grace for others to witness.
HIGH SPARROW: You understand fully what this means?
LORAS: I do. I will abandon the Tyrell name and all that goes with it. I will renounce my lordship and my claims on Highgarden. I will never marry and I will never father children.
HIGH SPARROW: Brother Loras I ask you to dedicate your life to the seven gods. Will you fight to defend your faith against heretics and apostates?
LORAS: I will.





MARGAERY: You mutilated him. You gave me your word.
HIGH SPARROW: And I have kept my word. Once the queen mother’s trial is concluded, Brother Loras is free to leave.
MARGAERY: And where is the queen mother?
LANCEL: Her litter never left the Red Keep.
HIGH SPARROW: It appears the queen mother doesn’t wish to attend her own trial. Go to the Red Keep and show her the way.






To be continued on the next post Game of Thrones: The Trial at the Great Sept of Baelor Part 2.
Source text: Wikipedia.

Game of Thrones: At the Great Sept of Baelor Part 2

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 06 Blood of My Blood

Later, in the Throne Room, KING TOMMEN, WHO HAS AGREED TO UNITE THE FAITH AND THE CROWN, relieves Jaime of his duties on the Kingsguard, and send him to the north to lead their army in help to Walder Frey to recover Riverrun from Blackfish.

HIGH SPARROW: Together we announce a new age of harmony. A holy alliance between the Crown and the Faith.
CROWD: Long live King Tommen and bless you, Queen Margaery!
TOMMEN: The Crown and the Faith are the twin pillars upon which the world rests. Together we will restore the Seven Kingdoms to glory.
LORD TYRELL: What’s happening?
OLENNA TYRELL: He’s beaten us. That’s what’s happening.









TOMMEN: When you attack the Faith, you attack the Crown. Anyone who attacks the Crown is unfit to serve as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.
JAIME: I’ve been a member of the Kingsguard since before you were born. You don’t have to do this. You don’t have to do anything.
TOMMEN: I have to answer to the gods.
JAIME: Not when you’re sitting in that chair.
TOMMEN: The Crown’s decision on this matter is final.
JAIME: Will I be walking naked in the streets? Or will I spend a few months in the sept dungeons first to teach me about the gods’ mercy?
TOMMEN: You have served your house and your king faithfully for many years. And you will continue to do so. But not in this city.



Source text: Wikipedia.

Game of Thrones: At the Great Sept of Baelor Part 1

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 06 Blood of My Blood

Jaime and Mace Tyrell lead the Tyrell army through the streets of King’s Landing to the Great Sept of Baelor, where the High Sparrow is presenting Margaery to the people of King’s Landing. Jaime orders the High Sparrow to release Margaery and her brother Loras, threatening force against the Faith Militant. The High Sparrow declares that Margaery will not have to perform a walk of atonement, and instead presents King Tommen, who has agreed to unite the Faith and the Crown.

HIGH SPARROW: Rich or poor, noble or common, if we sin, we must atone. Margaery of House Tyrell came to us a sinner. She stood before the gods in the holy sept and lied. She turned a blind eye to her brother’s sins. She disgraced her house, her king, and herself.



HIGH SPARROW: Lord Tyrell. Ser Jaime.
JAIME: Sorry to interrupt. We’re here for Queen Margaery and Ser Loras Tyrell. Give them to us and we’ll be on our way.
HIGH SPARROW: I don’t have the authority to give them to you. And you don’t have the authority to take them.





JAIME: I speak for King Tommen of House Baratheon, First of His Name.
HIGH SPARROW: The gods don’t recognize his authority in this matter.
JAIME: You’ve already insulted one great house. It won’t happen twice. Every last sparrow will die before Margaery Tyrell walks down that street.
HIGH SPARROW: To die in the service of the gods would please each and every one of us. We yearn for it. But there is no call for it today. There will be no walk of atonement. Queen Margaery has already atoned for her sins by bringing another into the true light of the Seven.





To be continued on the next post.

Source text: Wikipedia.