Game of Thrones: #TeamTargaryen

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 10 The Winds of Winter

Having been joined by Varys and ships from Dorne, House Tyrell and Theon and Yara Greyjoy, Daenerys and her court then depart for Westeros with their combined force in a massive invasion fleet, with Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion flying above a horizon dotted with hundreds of ships.

Listen The Winds of Winter (Midi by Giffferr)













Source text: Wikipedia.

Game of Thrones: Olenna meets Ellaria

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 10 The Winds of Winter

In Dorne, Olenna, in mourning for the death of her family, meets with Ellaria and the Sand Snakes concerning their mutual grievances against the Lannisters and discuss the possibility of an alliance, which Ellaria believes will offer Olenna a chance of survival. Olenna bitterly rebuffs the idea; her son and grandchildren are all dead and her house left without a future, so it is not survival she wants. Ellaria rephrases, offering Olenna her “heart’s desire”: vengeance and justice for her house. At this, Varys enters, greeting them with “Fire and Blood”, the words of House Targaryen.

OLENNA: The last time a Tyrell came to Dorne, he was assassinated. 100 red scorpions, was it?
ELLARIA: You have nothing to fear from us, Lady Olenna.
OLENNA: You murder your own prince, but you expect me to trust you?
OBARA: We invited you to Dorne because we needed your help. You came to Dorne because you needed our help.
OLENNA: What is your name again? Barbaro?
OBARA: Obara.
OLENNA: Obara. You look like an angry little boy. Don’t presume to tell me what I need.
NYMERIA: Forgive my sister. What she lacks in diplomacy, she makes–
OLENNA: Do shut up, dear. Anything from you? No? Good. Let the grown women speak.
ELLARIA: The Lannisters have declared war on House Tyrell. They have declared war on Dorne. We must be allies now if we wish to survive.
OLENNA: Cersei stole the future from me. She killed my son. She killed my grandson. She killed my granddaughter. Survival is not what I’m after now.
ELLARIA: You’re absolutely right. I chose the wrong words. It is not survival I offer. It is your heart’s desire.
OLENNA: And what is my heart’s desire?
ELLARIA: Vengeance. Justice.
VARYS: Fire and blood.













Source text: Wikipedia.

Game of Thrones: Varys leaves, the Masters attack

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 08 No One

With the Red Priests on their side and spreading pro-Daenerys propaganda, Tyrion and Varys see Meereen returning to life. After warning Tyrion not to trust the Red Priests, Varys leaves for Westeros to find more allies and ships.

TYRION: I’m going to miss you.
VARYS: I know.
TYRION: I hope you’re right about this expedition of yours.
VARYS: If I don’t return, you’ll know I was wrong. We need friends in Westeros. And we need ships.
TYRION: Most of all, we need our queen.
VARYS: She’ll come back. She has to. My heart’s been broken too many times already. I’ll walk the rest of the way myself. I can’t go off on a secret mission in the company of the most famous dwarf in the city.
TYRION: Varys. The most famous dwarf in the world.







Tyrion then has a drink with Grey Worm  and Missandei. He then tries to introduce them to humor by trading jokes. As they start having a good time, they are interrupted when a fleet sent by the Masters arrives to attack the city, with Missandei explaining that they come to recover their “property.”

MISSANDEI: The Masters have come for their property.




To be continued on the next post.

Source text: Wikipedia.

Game of Thrones: Kinvara, the red priestess

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 05 The Door

In order to preserve the peace and public support for Daenerys, Tyrion summons the red priestess Kinvara, who says that she believes that Daenerys is the chosen one of the Lord of Light and declares that her priests will spread her message. Varys, dubious of the supernatural, interjects and points out that Melisandre also believed that Stannis was the chosen one before his defeat at Winterfell, but Kinvara silences him by recounting how he was castrated.

TYRION: Thank you for travelling all this way. I know from personal experience how uncomfortable the journey can be. The truth is we need your help. We had hoped that we could somehow persuade you to…
KINVARA: You don’t need to persuade me. I came to help. Daenerys Stormborn is the one who was promised. From the fire she was reborn to remake the world.
KINVARA: She has freed the slaves from their chains and crucified the Masters for their sins.
TYRION: She did indeed.
KINVARA: Her dragons are fire made flesh, a gift from the Lord of Light. But you heard all of this before, haven’t you? On the Long Bridge of Volantis. The dragons will purify nonbelievers by the thousands, burning their sins and flesh away.
TYRION: Ideally we’d avoid purifying too many nonbelievers. The Mother of Dragons has followers of many different faiths.
KINVARA: You want your queen to be worshipped and obeyed. And while she’s gone, you want her advisors to be worshipped and obeyed.
TYRION: I’d settle for obeyed.
KINVARA: I will summon my most eloquent priests. They will spread the word. Daenerys has been sent to lead the people against the darkness in this war and in the great war still to come.
TYRION: That sounds most excellent.









VARYS: A man named Stannis Baratheon was anointed as the chosen one by one of your priestesses. He, too, had a glorious destiny. He attacked King’s Landing and was soundly defeated by the man standing beside me. Last I had heard, he had been defeated again, this time at Winterfell and this time for good.
TYRION: We’d be most grateful for any support you could provide the queen.
VARYS: I suppose it’s hard for a fanatic to admit a mistake. Isn’t that the whole point of being a fanatic? You’re always right. Everything is the Lord’s will.
KINVARA: Everything is the Lord’s will. But men and women make mistakes. Even honest servants of the Lord.
VARYS: And you, an honest servant of the Lord, why should I trust you to know any more than the priestess who counseled Stannis?
TYRION: My friend has a healthy skepticism of religion, but we are all loyal supporters of the queen.
KINVARA: Everyone is what they are and where they are for a reason. Terrible things happen for a reason. Take what happened to you, Lord Varys, when you were a child. If not for your mutilation at the hand of a second-rate sorcerer, you wouldn’t be here helping the Lord’s Chosen bring his light into the world. Knowledge has made you powerful. But there’s still so much you don’t know. Do you remember what you heard that night when the sorcerer tossed your parts in the fire? You heard a voice call out from the flames. Do you remember? Should I tell you what the voice said? Should I tell you the name of the one who spoke? We serve the same queen. If you are her true friend, you have nothing to fear from me.





Source text: Wikipedia.

Game of Thrones: In Meereen

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 03 Oathbreaker

Varys summons Vala, a woman allied with the Sons of the Harpy. He accuses her of conspiring to kill the Unsullied and Second Sons, but offers her safe passage to Pentos with a bag of silver for information about who funds the Sons of the Harpy.

VALA: If I tell you anything, they’ll kill me. So either you kill me or they do.
VARYS: Yes, from your perspective, this is a problem. There is a third option, though. A ship leaving tomorrow for Pentos. I’ve already booked passage for a woman and her young son. I’ll even throw in a bag of silver to help you start again. Though I’m afraid we’ll have to ask one of our leather-clad friends back in to carry it. Far too heavy for me. The boat sails at dawn. You need to decide now. A new life for you and Dom or…



Tyrion tries to entertain Grey Worm and Missandei while waiting for Varys. Varys arrives and explains that he has discovered that the slave masters of Yunkai, Astapor, and Volantis have been financing the Sons of the Harpy.

TYRION: Oh, you took your time.
VARYS: Sorry. I was busy learning who funds the Sons of the Harpy. Some things you can’t rush.
MISSANDEI: You found out?
VARYS: The Good Masters of Astapor and the Wise Masters of Yunkai. With help from their friends in Volantis.



